Permanent Laser Beard Hair Removal

Quick and convenient,laser beard removal has become a natural in the world of aesthetic medicine. This method of choice for permanently eliminating excess hair has the advantage of treating both body and facial hair. For the sake of comfort and aesthetics, more and more men are resorting to laser beard removal.

Why do we have beards?

The beard is the area of hair that extends from the temples to the tip of the chin. Characterized by thick, dense hair, the beard is a masculine symbol. In fact, it’s testosterone levels that are responsible for the development of hair growth. Various hormones also stimulate their growth, which explains why not all men are equal when it comes to facial hair. In some cases, women may also notice hair growth in this area. This often involveshirsutism (excessive hair growth in unexpected areas) or hypertrichosis (hormonal imbalance).

Laser beard removal for men is possible for everyone, and for all skin types. The Epilium & Skin Center offers this definitive, effective and painless hair removal, guaranteeing perfect results on all dark beard hairs.

What precautions should I take before undergoing laser beard removal?

Beard laser hair removal requires the same precautions as for any laser hair removal procedure:

  • Skin should not be tanned or congested. Sun exposure is therefore not recommended in the two weeks prior to the session, to avoid burning or irritation.
  • The hair must be shaved or trimmed (but never plucked) less than two days before the session.
  • The skin must be healthy, i.e. free of visible lesions.

How does a permanent beard laser hair removal session at Centre Epilium & Skin work?

Laser hair removal is a precise technique that needs to be performed by an experienced laserist. The operation of the medical device is checked daily. Appropriate eyewear is provided.

Once the laser has been set up and tested, the session begins. It lasts around fifteen minutes and is performed in several sweeps over the area using a handpiece. Each pulse may cause a slight tingling sensation, but the device provides virtually pain-free treatment, especially as it is equipped with a local cooling system. On an area of beard to be preserved, waxing only targets the skin next to the beard, to prevent the hair from growing back and to make beard maintenance easier. At the end of the session, an emollient cream is applied.

Since the beard hair cycle is short, the session can be repeated 4 weeks later.

What precautions should I take after a beard laser hair removal session?

These precautions can be adapted to each patient’s profile:

  • Apply a repairing treatment to the depilated area for a few days.
  • Avoid all sources of heat on the face (sauna, hammam…) and any activity that may cause excessive facial congestion (too much sport, alcohol…) for 2 to 5 days.
  • Avoid exposure to UV sunlight and artificial UV light for at least two weeks.

What are the results of permanent beard laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal gives progressive but definitive results. After the required 10 to 12 sessions (spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart), at least 90% of the targeted hairs are removed.
The beard becomes thinner and thinner, and regrowth slows down. At the end of the treatment protocol, skin feels softer.

Price of laser beard removal at Centre Epilium & Skin

The cost of a laser beard removal session depends on the surface area of skin to be removed. A detailed estimate is always provided at your first consultation.

Zones Price per session incl. VAT
Beard (male) 100 €