What’s the best face peel?

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What’s the best face peel?

What’s the best face peel?

What’s the best facial peel for even, luminous skin?
How do I choose the best facial peel to reduce my melasma?
erase my sun spots?
tighten my pores?
erase fine lines?
Center Epilium can help you find the peel best suited to your needs.

What is a peel in aesthetic medicine?

A facial peel is a non-invasive aesthetic medicine technique designed to improve the appearance of the skin by purifying it and restoring its radiance. A peel consists of applying an acidic chemical solution to the epidermis. dead cells that suffocate the skin, making it healthier.
It also promotes cell renewal by stimulating fibroplasts and elastin, thus delaying skin aging.
By irritating it, we force the skin to reconstitute and renew itself.
Its purpose?
Purify the skin, erase imperfections, fade spots and scars and slow down the effects of time.

Depending on the desired effect, our specialists will opt for the best peel using either salicylic or trichloroacetic acid, or a depigmenting peel.

To fully understand how the three types of peelsWe need to look at the skin and its structure. It is organized into two layers: the epidermis and the dermis.

  • Mild (or superficial) peels generally use natural fruit acids suited to sensitive, fragile skin.
  • The medium peel is usually performed using TCA acid, which reaches the middle dermis layer, and not only provides an obvious radiance boost, but also reduces the appearance of fine lines and age spots.
  • Finally, deep peeling is achieved by applying a phenol-based substance.

At Epilium & Skin, our peels are all from laboratories specializing in aesthetic dermatology and anti-aging medicine.

What are the contraindications to facial peeling?

  • Herpes
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Medication treatments for acne
  • Taking photosensitizing drugs

What’s the best face peel for dull skin?

A dull complexion can be caused by a number of factors, the main ones being :

  • An accumulation of dead cells on the skin’s surface, obstructing pores and preventing light from reflecting evenly.
  • Skin dehydration, making it dull and dry
  • Pollution
  • Smoking, which reduces blood circulation and impairs collagen production
  • Poor daily skin cleansing that leads to an accumulation of impurities

A peel is effective on dull skin because it helps to eliminate dead cells from the skin’s surface, making the complexion brighter and preparing the skin for better absorption of products.
The best peel to restore radiance is a light glycolic acid peel.
This treatment will eliminate the upper layers of the epidermis and rid the skin of all the impurities that make it dull.

What’s the best facial peel for pigmentation spots?

They appear following excessive sun exposure, hormonal changes, inflammation or injury to the skin.
By applying certain targeted active ingredients, we succeed in blocking the production of melanin, the pigment responsible for skin coloration.
The best peel for treating pigmentation spots depends on the depth of the spots.
If the spots are superficial, a gentle peel can be performed over several sessions spaced 4 weeks apart.
For deeper spots, a medium TCA peel is preferable.
Only our doctor will be able to advise you during your free initial consultation.

What’s the best facial peel for fine lines?

By removing the skin’s surface layer, the facial peel penetrates the epidermis and stimulates collagen production.
Increased collagen production reduces fine lines and improves the skin’s overall structure.
For younger skin, we recommend a Gentle peel combining glycolic acid and retinol to stimulate epidermal renewal.
It helps keep skin supple and elastic.

From 35, a medium peel with TCA is recommended, as it stimulates deeper cell renewal and collagen production.
After this treatment, damaged cells will be replaced by healthier ones.

What’s the best facial peel for acne scars?

Specific peels help reduce the redness and inflammation associated with acne scars.
Medium peels are recommended for fading acne scars, as they penetrate deeper into the skin.
A trichloroacetic acid or TCA peel is used.
This peel can be applied to the whole face or just part of it.
Its deep action stimulates the production of collagen fibers in the dermis.
The after-effects of this peel are more restrictive, as it causes the skin to peel for 6 to 10 days after treatment.

What’s the best facial peel for enlarged pores?

Facial peels with salicylic acid help to reduce the production of sebum responsible for clogged skin pores.
The peel frees the skin’s clogged pores and helps tighten them.
A salicylic acid peel is most commonly used, as it penetrates easily into clogged pores and dissolves sebum.
This superficial peel cleanses pores deep down.
It is suitable for sensitive and acne-prone skin.

What’s the best face peel for melasma?

By exfoliating the skin, a peel removes the brown pigment clusters that form spots and evens out the skin.
By promoting cell renewal, it helps replace hyperpigmented cells with new ones.
Mild TCA (trichloroacetic acid) peels are most often used to remove melasma spots or pregnancy masks.
This peel can be combined with depigmenting serums.
Our Centre Epilium doctors recommend 3 to 4 sessions spaced one month apart for significant results.

What are the post-peel treatments?

Apply a healing repair cream daily for one week.
Use a high SPF sun cream for two weeks after treatment.

What are the results of a facial peel?

  • A brighter, smoother, more even complexion
  • Tightened pores
  • Reduction of wrinkles and fine lines
  • Faded brown spots
  • Reduced acne scars

Make an appointment for a face peel

Epilium & Skin invites you to discover the benefits of facial peeling during a free consultation. Our specialists will welcome you warmly to assess your needs and offer you a personalized, no-obligation quote. Don’t miss this opportunity to benefit from expert advice and tailor-made solutions for smooth, luminous skin. Book your appointment today!

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